Start by downloading the zip file
You will want to extract this file to where ever you have installed xampp. It will create a folder called GameName and inside you will find all the components necessary to have a working symfony install.
To customize this to your own game follow these steps:
- Rename the folder from GameName to whatever you will call your game. (Remember not to use spaces as this will be part of the game URL.)
- go into GameName/web and edit index.php and frontend_dev.php and replace GameName with the name of your game. Save these files.
- go into GameName/config and edit properties.ini and ProjectConfiguration.class.php and update GameName with your game's name.
- go into GameName/config and edit databases.yml and enter in your MySQL information.
- cd
\public_html[XAMPPInstallDir] - mkdir [GameName]
- cd
\[GameName][XAMPPInstallDir] - mkdir public_html
- cd public_html
- MKLINK /J [GameName]
This will make a directory in your application that points to the visible part of your web server. Otherwise you end up having to copy everything manually any time you make a change.
Next we want to go ahead and copy the contents of the 'web' folder into the 'public_html' folder . Then go ahead and delete the web folder.
Open a command window and go to [XAMPPInstallDir]\[GameName] and enter the following command:
symfony configure:database "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=[DatabaseName]" [DBUser] [DBPassword]
symfony doctrine:build --all
this will display a confirmation to rebuild the databases and after you say 'y' should go into creating all the objects and tables and get you ready for what is next.
Once you have this complete you are ready to work with symfony and can skip those steps of the tutorial. Or you can go back and read through just to see what we did and why.
To create your first user go to http://localhost/GameName/user/apply
the sfForkedDoctrineApply plugin requires a locally running mail server, so if you worked with xampp just start up the Mercury app from the xampp Control Panel, it will not really send an email, but will get past that portion of the code. From there go into phpmyadmin and look up your user and get the string form the validate column. Then go to http://localhost/GameName/user/confirm/[validateString]
This will get you a user can log in with that is validated and ready to work with.
This covers the following steps, but does not cover creating you database, db user, or installing any of the software, this is just to get symfony up and running on your system:
XAMPP, NetBeans and Symfony Install
Symfony Registration and Login
Symfony Guard and myUser
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