Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kongregate Unity3D competition

So it came to my attention last week that Kongregate and Unity3D were doing a competition. 1st place prize is 10k$. Not bad considering once your game is up in Kongregate you make money from their ad revenue. So my partner and I decided we would try an enter. Here is the Contest Page.

So today I'm looking over the current competition and played Sara's Run, by SophieHoulden. Then I saw that it was a preview because she is working on another game. I went and looked and my heart sank. She is working on a game called Lottie's Dungeon and reading the feature list and what she wants to do with it is almost exactly like what I wanted to do for the contest. The only problem is that she is 2 months farther along than I am.

In any case, I still plan to move forward with my idea for the contest. It has some interesting ideas that work well and will teach me some new techniques. I just need to sit down and work on it. Jealousy can't hold me back. Anyway, I guess tomorrow I need to sit myself down and get some work done so that I can get where I want to with my game.


Om3n said...

Looking at the code Ive seen so far id say there's a good chance. Try not to get discouraged and you still have a shot at winning. at worst case an opportunity is there for residual income. You never know she may get stuck somewhere down the line giving you the time you need to "catch up". On a quick side note is there a chance you missed anything in the tutorials? i've been racking my brains trying to find some missing methods in the tutorials, so far with no luck.

darkben said...

How far are you with the game at the moment?

me and my friend are making an MMORPG at the moment and I'm interested to see how to accomplish things, like code bases for a combat system, etc

Unknown said...


What methods do you think you are missing?


I've finished my random dungeon generator, created a tileset for it and have it going into unity. Next is to get mobs created and have the AI code running with A*