Tuesday, December 14, 2010

SmartFoxServer Install and OpenJPA

Last time we left off you got the wonderful Symfony setup screen in your web browser. Hopefully you also took the time to read some of how to use symfony. When we get back to symfony I won't be going into great detail, but I expect you to have read through it and will make reference to specific chapters as we need them.

Smart Fox Server 2x and OpenJPA

Up next we are going to go ahead and set up our game server and our Java Persistence.

First lets install Smart Fox Server 2x. If you run through the default install it installs to C:\Program Files\SFS2X-RC1. I will refer to this directory as [SFSInstallDir] through the rest of the document. This is fine for our purposes. Be sure to install it as a service, as it is the recommended setup.

Next we need to go ahead and apply the patch. It's a manual process to bear with the instructions:

  1. First stop the service. 
  2. Extract all the files to a temporary location.
  3. go to the temp location and go into the SFS2x-RC1a-patch directory and you will see a Client and a Server directory. Go into Client and copy the unity folder to [SFSInstallDir]\SFS2X\Client (it will ask you to replace SmartFox2.dll which is fine.
  4. go into ActionScript3 and copy the file to [SFSInstallDir]\SFS2X\Client\Flash\API again overwrite any files.
  5. go up to the base patch directory and go into the Server folder. copy the 2 folders and put them into [SFSInstallDir]\SFS2X and overwrite any files it prompts you for.
  6. start up the service.
Now that our server is up to date we are going to go ahead and put OpenJPA in place. For starters we want to extract OpenJPA to its own folder someplace. I keep mine with my development area. Now you will want to go into the area you extracted it and:

  1. copy openjpa-all-2.0.1.jar to [SFSInstallDir]\SFS2X\lib
  2. copy derby-, geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar, geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec-1.1.jar, geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar, serp-1.13.1.jar to [SFSInstallDir]\SFS2X\lib
So now we have Smart Fox Server 2x with OpenJPA ready to be used.

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