Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A new beginning

Yesterday it was decided that we should focus on a web game. It will be an RPG with quests, equipment, and monsters.

I updated the blog name to reflect this new purpose.

Today I want to start off on the right foot. Game design has started and we are piecing together the small stuff. I am starting from the user creation into creating a character and inventory. I am having trouble sticking just to design as I want to write out the initial login page and get the initial graphics started up.

I'm working with PHP and likely jQuery. As such I have started reading tutorials from tutsplus.com on the topic of jQuery. I've worked with PHP long enough now that I can efficiently write code that works and is easily maintainable.

Today's goal: Make generic graphics I can use as place holders for the real thing as the game gets built.

Secondary goal: get the registration and login pages up and running.

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